Publications – Martin Perron


Nadeau, S., J. Beaulieu, S.A. Gezan, M. PerronJ. Bousquet & P.R.N. Lenz. 2023. Increasing genomic prediction accuracy for unphenotyped fullsib families by modeling additive and dominance effects with large datasets in white spruce. Frontiers in Plant Science 14: 1137834 (24p).


Benomar, L., J. Bousquet, M. Perron, J. Beaulieu & M. Lamara. 2022. Tree maladaptation under mid-latitude early spring warming and late cold spells: implications for assisted migration. Frontiers in Plant Science 13: 920852 (12p.).

Laverdière, J.-P., P. Lenz, S. Nadeau, C. Depardieu, N. Isabel, M. Perron, J. Beaulieu & J. Bousquet. 2022. Breeding for adaptation to climate change: genomic selection for drought response in a white spruce multi-site polycross test. Evolutionary Applications 15: 383-402. 


Thiffault, N., P. Raymond, J.-M. Lussier, I. Aubin, S. Roy-Tardif, A. D’Amato, F. Doyon, B. Lafleur, M. Perron, J. Bousquet, N. Isabel, S. Carles, P. Lupien & A. Malenfant. 2021. Adaptive silviculture for climate change: from concepts to reality. The Forestry Chronicle 97: 13-27

Thiffault, N., P. Raymond, J.-M. Lussier, I. Aubin, S. Roy-Tardif, A. D’Amato, F. Doyon, B. Lafleur, M. Perron, J. Bousquet, N. Isabel, S. Carles, P. Lupien & A. Malenfant. 2021. Sylviculture d’adaptation aux changements climatiques: des concepts à la réalité. The Forestry Chronicle 97: 28-42


Chamberland, V., F. Robichaud, M. Perron, N, Gélinas, J. Bousquet & J. Beaulieu. 2020. Conventional versus genomic selection for white spruce improvement: a comparison of costs and benefits of plantations on Québec public lands. Tree Genetics and Genomes 16: 17 (16p.).

Lenz, P.R.N., S. Nadeau, M.-J. Mottet, M. PerronN. IsabelJ. Beaulieu & J. Bousquet. 2020. Multi-trait genomic selection for weevil resistance, growth and wood quality traits in Norway spruce. Evolutionary Applications 13: 76-94.

Lenz, P.R.N., S. Nadeau, A. Azaïez, S. Gerardi, M. Deslauriers, M. PerronN. IsabelJ. Beaulieu & J. Bousquet. 2020. Genomic prediction for hastening and improving efficiency of forward selection in conifer polycross mating designs: an example from white spruce. Heredity 124: 562-578.



Warren, É., G. de Lafontaine, S. Gérardi, S. Senneville, J. Beaulieu, M. Perron, J.P. Jaramillo-Correa & J. Bousquet. 2016. Joint inferences from cytoplasmic DNA and fossil data provide evidence for glacial vicariance and contrasted postglacial dynamics in tamarack, a transcontinental conifer. Journal of Biogeography 43: 1227-1241.